Dumbbell Tone not progressing

Hello, I recently started the Dumbbell Tone journey. I’ve completed 14 of 42 sessions. So far I’ve only been assigned “progression to devil’s presses: dumbbell push presses”. Despite saying that it was “easy peasy” and I could complete more reps that continues to be the only dumbbell exercise assigned along with various bodyweight exercises. I’m wondering if/when/how I will advance in my dumbbell exercises. I’ve done various bodyweight journeys before so was really looking forward to something different. I do see under my “progress” tab in the app that almost all of my skill progressions are blocked or partially blocked, including Devil’s presses. I’m not sure how these became blocked or how to unblock them. Maybe that is part of the issue? Thanks for any help you can provide!

I would bet that it has something to do with the blocked exercises. @Ben might know more than I do about the issue.


Hey @Kelly :wave:t2:

Regarding the path to Devil’s Presses, can you post a screenshot showing which stage the path is blocked from?


Hi Ben! Here are some screen shots showing the different skill progressions that are blocked for me, including Devil’s Presses. Thanks for any insight you can provide!

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Hey again @Kelly :wave:t2:

Ok, I think I have it-I’ll send you a PM and you can decide whether you want to share in this thread.


Thanks Ben for figuring out the solution. For anyone who is following this thread and may have a similar situation, here is the fix!

"You’ve got a “postpartum” restriction on your account which is applied automatically when you join using a pampers code (essentially, this restricts the exercises that the Coach gives you, excluding certain exercises that can be harmful to postpartum women).

If everything has gone well over the last 6 months recovery wise, then you can quickly check with your Doctor, or OB-GYN if you are still seeing one, and see if they think you can start full training and we can remove this restriction for you."

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