Incorrent math in the training app

Hi, in my opinion the training app does math wrong. @Ben could you comment on that please?
Renegade rows: 6x8x10 = 480
Double dumbbells bent rows: 6x8x2x10 = 960
Dumbbell biceps curls: 6x26x5=780
Total: 480+960+780=2220.
Freeletics reports: 3480

Hmmm, so do you think it’s double counting the exercises where “Each side counts as one rep”?

At first glance it does look strange. I’ll look at in depth tomorrow :+1:t2:


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Yes, exactly.

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Yup, the maths definitely adds up that way. Not hugely sure why :see_no_evil:

Like I said, tomorrow when I’m in work I’ll take a peek and update you here :+1:t2:

Edit: Moved to Bugs



Hey Marek :wave:t2:

So, yes looks like there is a calculation error somewhere that has been introduced.

We’ll try to look in to it soon :+1:t2: Thanks for raising!



Hey Marek, just an fyi that we fixed this. For those 2 specific exercises, renegade rows and bicep curls there was indeed a calculation error introduced.

Should now be counting correctly :crossed_fingers:t2:


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