New challenge incoming: Make Your Move!

Hey Freeletics Warriors!

We’re thrilled to unveil our latest challenge – Make Your Move!

This challenge is all about embracing your Base, with the help of the new Progress Bar Feature.

:star2: What is that Challenge?

The Base Streak Challenge revolves around your daily commitment to your Base activities, tracked by the all-new Progress Bar. Whether you’re rocking Coach workouts, engaging in on-demand sessions, or indulging in external activities like running, cycling, as long as they sync seamlessly with the app, you’re in the game! You can read more about logging external activities here on our blog.

:zap:Just make sure that your Base and Progress bar are fully synced by closing the app and reopening it after logging any external activity every day.:zap:

:trophy: How to Join?

Participating is a breeze! If you’re already using the app, you’re automatically in the running – it’s all within the app.

:tada: Prizes Galore!

We’ve got not one, but three chances for you to snag incredible prizes:

  • :gift: For the halfway prize (mid-month), entrants must:
    Have a minimum consecutive streak of 13 days between Jan. 1st - 15th
    Prizes: Airpods Pro, 100 EUR Lululemon gift card
  • :gift: For the halfway prize (end of month), entrants must:
    Have a minimum consecutive streak of 13 days between Jan. 16th - 31st
    Prizes: Another round of Airpods Pro, 100 EUR Lululemon gift card
  • :gift: For the grand finale prize (end of month), entrants must:
    Have a minimum consecutive streak of 29 days between Jan. 1st - 31st
    Prizes: Adjustable dumbbells and a sleek Arcteryx jacket (up to 500 EUR)

:alarm_clock: Late to the Party? No Worries!

If you’re late to the Base Streak Challenge, fear not as long as you start latest on the 3rd!
The Streak counts from January 1st. But to maximize your chances, start on or before January 3rd and avoid any interruptions.

:thinking_face: Coach Days? Counted!

Yes, Coach Days are your allies in this challenge. Every Coach Day contributes to your Base, making it an integral part of the Streak.

Ready to Make Your Move? The Base Streak Challenge is here, exclusively for users with an active Coach!

Get your Streak on! :muscle:


Awesome! :fire::fire::fire:

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It is not so clear to me what is considered as an ‘external’ Base activity? Is it only running and cycling?

External activities are those tracked by your connected Health App but not by Freeletics itself - e.g. running, swimming, cycling, take a walk, yoga, etc.


why don’t you link freeletics with fitbit app?

Hey David, Freeletics has integration with Health Kit if you are using iPhone (and Health Connect if you are using Android). You should be able to sync activities you record with Fitbit without a problem. If you still experience an issue let us know!

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Hey do have to have something like a fit bit or the freeletics app on an android phone is fine.

What do I have to do to take the challenge? Or will it happen automatically after January 1?

How do I join this challenge?

I had the same question, but today I got this email, so seems there is no need to enter the challenge anywhere, just have an active subscription:

What I don’t get is - if I don’t open the app for a day or two and then open it, will the activities still sync and count towards the challenge or not:

Looks like coach workouts count double if they’re also tracked through Fitbit’s auto tracking. Not really an issue since I’m sure I’ll hit base on coach days anyway, but might be good to look into some de-duplication for the next version!


Hey both :wave:t2: All you need is an active subscription, the connection to your respective Health app enabled in your Freeletics app settings, and then to log some kind of daily activity at least 17 minutes in length for the challenge duration :muscle:t2:


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Yes this will happen if both Fitbit and Freeletics are logging the same activity to your Health app :+1:t2:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Apple fitness app sync

A post was merged into an existing topic: Apple fitness app sync

Hey Sofia :wave:t2:

Yes, you’ll need to sync the app by opening it every day :+1:t2:


As always freeletics at its best to make sure that we dont miss our workouts.

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Hey again @Sofia :wave:t2:

I need to clarify what I said here :point_down:t2:

At the moment, it’s actually not going to be enough to just open the app everyday. You might need to force close the app, and then open it, to fully sync your Base.

Hope that is clearer - and I’ll update the initial post to reflect this :+1:t2:


Hello. My Apple Health isn’t syncing for some reason :frowning:. I’ve even toggled the setting on and off but no joy. Anyone else having this problem?