Pause during Workouts

Please add the ability to pause workouts, especially during any time-based exercises and especially the stretches/cool-down which are all time-based.

I get not being able to pause PB workouts, but there shouldn’t be a problem with pausing regular workouts.

I have a toddler who often needs something during a workout and the ability to pause the workout to help them and then resume when I can without missing anything would make a huge difference. Thanks!

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It is already possible to do exactly this :+1:t2:

Just tap on the camera icon in the top right hand corner of the exercise video. When you are ready to go back to it, tap the “X” to exit out.




@ben wow that’s something I was also looking for: how to pause the exercise to access demonstration and instructions during a workout! Many thanks! :star_struck:

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Ah, a little bonus assist as well :sweat_smile:

Yeah, it’s definitely the way to do what you want :+1:t2:


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