Pauze button missing

I’m wondering why there is no pauze button it would be very helpful to prepare an exercise I’m doing for the first time maybe I need to search for equipment or maybe needs more time to find a right position.


Speaking of exercises you do for the first time and of equipment, I recommend reviewing each session before starting it. You can simply tap into each exercise and watch the video as well as bring up the written instructions. It is a great way to achieve the correct technique. Plus, you won’t need to interrupt and let you body cool down too much in the middle of the workout.

As for getting into position, some exercises already include a 5 sec countdown for that. I personally feel that there are 1 or 2 exercises that don’t have it but should (e.g. handstand hold when part of a god workout). Curious to know which ones you think need extra time to get into position - we could share our feedback on specific exercises with the team.

I find the same thing, but mostly for the cool down stretches, as those are timed automatically and roll onto the next one without you swiping. If I’m in the middle of a cool down and get interrupted for any reason, or want to spend longer on a particular stretch, it would be great to be able to tap to pause then resume.


@henk.schepens and @bbennell, all you have to do in such a case is tap the video icon in the top right hand corner of the screen to bring up the example video :+1:t2:


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That’s great! I don’t know why I didn’t try that before. Can you get a pause icon drawn on it too so it’s more intuitive?


That doesn’t really work for me. The timer is still going.

In what situation are you using it?


To clarify, this works, for example in cooldowns if you need more time to get in to position, or want to check you are in the correct position. But it won’t stop the timer in a God workout or PB attempt.


If someone interrupts my workout by ringing the bell or if I am unable to quickly get into position. Suppose I need equipment that isn’t close by. Just in situations I need a few extra seconds and not lose the workout time.

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But for PB workouts such as Gods that is exactly the point - every second does count, including the time to get in to position.

It wouldn’t be fair to compare a Zeus attempt that was done with no breaks to one that included, I’ll use perhaps an extreme example, a 10 minute “break” at some point to have a snack and a drink.

If your PB workout is interrupted, I know it’s not your fault, but your PB attempt will still have taken the extra time to go and answer the door. Your body will still have had those few seconds or minutes break to rest and recover a bit.

There is no “pause” button for such workouts.


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With the advancements in AI technology, it’s conceivable that algorithms could detect unintentional pauses. A warning message might ask if you’re sure about pausing, considering it could disrupt your progress. These pauses could still be factored into your overall performance stats. However, external interruptions like answering the door might impact accuracy. The question remains: what’s the preferred solution?

To be honest: answering the door/phone or taking a pause for any external reason while doing a workout for time is a question of priority :person_shrugging:
Beating a PB could be more important than anything else and that’s why someone would never interrupt a workout - or the external interrupt is more important and the additional time needed is absolutely uninteresting. Both decisions are absolutely valid.
Taking a pause (for what ever reason) and not counting this to the time needed feels wrong. As Ben said: even an external interrupt causing this pause will give you a small recovery for the rest of the workout.

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It’s just how I see things. I’m just a user sharing my thoughts. If others feel the same way, it’d be cool to see some changes. But if it’s just me, well, I’ll figure out how to roll with it. I might also need to lookup what a PB is :slight_smile: