Resistance band journey required

Hey Elton :wave:t2:

I’ll make sure it’s at least discussed in the team :+1:t2: We get a lot of requests for different Training Journeys using different equipment.

My own view, and this really is just my own personal opinion speaking as a member of the community, is that more journeys are not the answer to these requests, but rather a more holistic solution is to give athletes more control of, and the ability, to train how they want to.

For example, in this case, with the right solution in place you could just tell the Coach, “Hey, I want to train with just resistance bands over the next 4 weeks” and you would have suitable training in place.

The most common other example of this would be for all those users saying they want a more wide ranging hybrid strength training experience. You could simply inform the Coach of all the equipment you want to use and, hey presto, there’s your own journey to follow. There shouldn’t be a need to develop a whole new Training Journey to do this, there could just be a single Training Journey, and we get to modify it based on how we want to train, and to which goal etc etc
