Setting to disable journeys

By now, I’ve been using Freeletics for roughly 2 years. Every time I get to choose a new journey, I can rearrange my goals, or even change them. Based on that, the coach suggests a journey.

I’m not quite sold on the idea of journeys, they are great in their own way, but they don’t quite work for me. I’d much rather get workouts based on the goals I have set, instead of choosing a journey that roughly aligns with my goals.

So here’s my proposal: a setting which “disables” journeys, and instead generates every workout based around your goals and previous achievements and workouts. Between every workout, you can easily change your goals, if need be, without needing to switch journeys (which to me feels like not completing something, and therefore feels “bad”).

Moreover, this could mean that the journey you select isn’t based on your available equipment, because you didn’t select a journey to begin with.


Unfortunately not possible :disappointed:

I think some preset Training Journeys can be helpful, particularly for Athletes new to training regularly :+1:t2:

But, I see where you are coming from and it’s something that a lot of Athletes do feedback, particularly that the Journeys can become too restrictive and there’s not really the possibility to train exactly how you want to.

I talk a bit about this here :point_down:t2:


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Hi Ben, precisely said. Journeys are really restrictive and man just wonders why. Okay, we can see a lot of ideas here and a lot of disappointing answers. I do not know how many developers work on the Freeletics app but these guys have lost momentum, the dynamics is gone, at least now it looks like. Is there any roadmap that could be shared? Maybe it could help if we know it pays to wait.


Can I ask why it isn’t possible? Would it require a rewrite of the entire app or something similar?

If a literal toggle wouldn’t work or isn’t achievable, how about one new journey (hear me out) which is endless, and bases the workouts on your goals regardless, even if you’d change them.

Because at the moment that is not the way the Training App is designed, it is based on the concept of different Training Journeys.

I think this is hugely unfair and also a bit inaccurate. The Training app has changed hugely in the last couple of years. It’s really not that long ago where there was zero smaller weight integration, no standalone workouts (other than Gods), no Base, no DAS, no workout builder, no challenges…I could go on listing an awful lot more :man_shrugging:t2: The app has been developed a great deal, all of it feedback and user driven, and continues to be. Please don’t underestimate the amount of work that goes on to develop the app.

Of course, some Athletes would prefer we work on other things but the reality is, and this will be the reality everywhere, that not everything that every single Athlete would like to see can be worked on.



Hi Ben, thank you for your reaction and please take it as feedback not the personal attack to the developers. BTW do you know how many do work on the app?

Speaking about couple of years in information technology means ages in normal world. Really, the developers should get a wake-up call. I have also a list:

Impossibility to run 2 journeys at a time

Impossibility not to run any journey

Impossibility to skill progressions in dumbbell journey

Impossibility to set-up my own time for change position periods. Such a minor thing and not available.

Unfinished wearable integration (creates duplicated records when you start training in Freeleteics AND log the same training on wearable)

Impossibility to see your base (minutes of activities) for other days than.

Missing forum integration into the training app

Hard to find possibility on how to interrupt training session in order to enter my own exercise and then return to the training session of the journey

Limitation to train 5 days per week (possible to overcome by disabling past training days, but why so difficult?)

Impossible to search in the open challenges

Just to name a few.

What I like on freeletics is the videos on how to do exercise and the routine it helps me to establish. The application itself should get a major update. You know life is not fair and people want modern things. Means updates and reaction on the feedbacks. That reminds me, is there any application development road map? Just to know what we can look forward to?

Regards Marek

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No, as we have answered previously, we do not openly share our Product Roadmap :+1:t2:


Thanks anyway, looking forward to any upcoming updates :grin: