Turn off exercises after injury

Is it possible to tell the coach that I can’t do certain exercises after an injury.?

I broke my wrist 6 weeks ago and wanna start training again but most of the exercises are using both hands. Like push-ups, assigned lunges, table twists and many more.


Hi @Zerant , yeah you can deactivate any exercises in the Coach Settings


Yeah that I know. Burning am looking for something like a preset, where I can tell „can’t use my hand“. So I don’t have to disable them one by one.


Hey Zerant :wave:t2:

So, the app really isn’t designed for such cases, which is why we will always have to tell Athletes not to use the app if they have such an injury. It really is designed for people in full health, and shouldn’t be used if you are either injured or in recovery/rehab from such an injury.

If you are still in rehabilitation after such an injury, and can’t use your hand-please do not continue to use the app as you could cause yourself more harm which would further put your recovery back.



Yeah that’s true.
Still I am bored. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your reply.


With me its my right leg. I tried excluding lower and upper leg for the workout in question, but there are still loads of exercises for upper body that still would have weight on my toes and so on. And I can only exclude 10 specific exercises. Will definitely look for an app that lets me adjust more, as there is nothing wrong with my arms or torso, and because there is nothing good about doing nothing.

Hi - just strained my calf during a freeletics warm-up. Began to exclude all exercises containing jumps & calf-strenght. The app only allow for 10 exclusions!! Why? There are like 4-5 different box-jump exercises alone so 10 is not even close enough. Was hoping to focus on core/upper-body/rowing etc until I’m fully recovered. This is really low hanging fruit for FL to improve the experience using their products.

You are not supposed to use the app having an injury. I know, that’s frustrating to pause the training due to an injury - but this would help to recover. Plus the terms of use clearly proclaims the app should only be used by healthy athletes.

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Agree with MelaLetics
To add, besides Exclude exercise, there is the option to “Adapt session”, with sub-options like 'Quiet session" (excludes jumps) and “Exclude certain body areas” which provide more customizations.

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First of All, reach out to your coach and inform him about your injury and treatment and also let him know about the stat of recovery. Your coach will recommend you about the exercise or movement that would not be painful for you due to your injury and also keep a good car of your diet. This would also help you in steady progress of your recovery.