Weighted Wall Sits

Hi, I am on my assessment week of “Fit for Life” journey. Tomorrow I have to do weighted wall sits. The app does not mention the weight of the plate to use. What weight should I use?

I was expecting the app to give guidance and adjust based on my feedback as it used to do earlier in the Freeletics Gym app. In the help & support FAQ’s I found the recommended weights for dumbbells and kettlebells but not for plates.

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Hey Rohit :wave:t2: Welcome to the Forum :muscle:t2:

The Coach won’t assign you a weight for any DB, KB or Plate exercise in any of the Bodyweight Journeys.

Here, you really should just use a weight that allows you to do the exercise for the time assigned.

Also, if you would prefer to deactivate any plate exercises from your Bodyweight Journey, you should just deactivate the “Plate” equipment in your Coach settings.


Thanks Ben. That helps. Is there a list where I can see which ones are the bodyweight journeys and which ones are the gym ones?

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Yeah, that information is available on our Help Center. I put the links :point_down:t2:


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Thanks a lot Ben.

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