65 pound plate?

Im doing my second joirney, and the coach was wanting me to do 65 lb plate cocoons…I dont have 65 lb plates, only 45 lb. I know i can manually adjust the weight by adapting session…but why is it even picking this? Are people holding 2 plates lol?

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Using plates in kg, there are some 15KG plates :wink:

I’ve never seen anyone use those IRL but Rogue has 65lb (30kg) to 100lb(45kg) plates :sweat_smile:

If you advance at bit, the progression steps won’t make sense.

I used one side of a dumbbell to get the desired weight. Not ideal, but these intermediate steps given by the coach don’t exist at all if I’m not mistaken

Hi @Reeveso , feel free to use a 65lb dumbbell or Kettlebell if you have access to one as well.