Advice on training days schedule


I’m seeking opinions on the optimal weekly schedule for my 4 Freeletics training sessions. Currently, my schedule is set for Mon, Wed, Thu, and Sat. While this schedule provides a day of rest between most workouts, I often find myself desiring a two-day break for more substantial recovery. One-day breaks only allow for partial recovery, and I start the workout with some fatigue. In addition, I tend to listen to my body and I often end up adjusting the schedule, and as a result I do not stick to the same one.

I’m considering the possibility of training on consecutive days to allow for two consecutive rest days. For instance, a schedule of Mon, Tue, Wed, and Fri. Or Mon, Tue, Wed, Sat,

Please note that I must reserve my Sundays for bouldering, which complicates my rest day planning! :sweat_smile:

Your insights would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Hi @Sofia,

According to your schedule and your desire to train 4 times a week + 2 days of full rest + 1 day bouldering, I would recommend the following schedule:

  • Monday: FL
  • Tuesday: FL
  • Wednesday: Rest
  • Thursday: FL
  • Friday: FL
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Bouldering

I think the only way to have 4 FL sessions + bouldering + 2 consecutive rest days, would be to do all your training consecutively:

  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: FL
  • Thursday: FL
  • Friday: FL
  • Saturday: FL
  • Sunday: Bouldering

If you feel like bouldering is not as taxing and more of an active recovery day, you could do the following:

  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday: FL
  • Wednesday: FL
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: FL
  • Saturday: FL
  • Sunday: Bouldering

Or to drop to 3 FL sessions, for example:

  • Monday: Rest
  • Tuesday: Rest
  • Wednesday: FL
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: FL
  • Saturday: FL
  • Sunday: Bouldering

Let me know what you think!




Thanks Tom! Any opinion on whether it is generally a good idea to train consecutive days and have consecutive rest days, or rather do training day - rest day - training day - rest day?

Hi @Sofia , I am not a health professional, but usually it is okay to train several days in a row if you’re not training the same muscle groups within a 48h window.
For example: Monday: upper body, Tuesday: lower body, Wednesday: core, Thursday: upper body, Friday: lower body.
That would be a classic split.
Or Monday: full body, Wednesday: full body and Friday: full body.

The great thing is that the Coach knows all of this, and will adapt your workout depending on your schedule and previous training.
I used to do the hybrid strength journey, and the training split was very different depending on the number of days I’d chose. It should be the same for the body weight journey as well.

Sometimes the Coach could assign the same muscle groups 2 days in a row, if the volume allocated is low, but generally speaking, it will target different muscle groups.

I think overall, it all depends on you, how you feel, how much mental rest you need in between session, what’s your motivation etc. If you feel like it you can definitely train 4-5 days in a row.
It is usually good to have 2 rest days per week. 1 could be an active recovery day such as yoga, hiking, walk, swimming, and 1 could be a full recovery day.

in the end it is up to you, as long as you don’t train the same muscles every day haha like biceps curls or squats 5 times a week

Hope that helps!

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This is the thing. I used to work out at the gym, and I would build my programme myself, making sure I train different muscle groups and have at least 36 hrs of recovery for each muscle group. However, with Freeletics I only use Coach, and it is not 100% clear to me whether Coach would do the same for me. I don’t really have the control of the muscle groups assigned.

I think I’m going to give the 2-day rest schedule idea a go and see how it is working for me. Thanks!

Hi @Sofia , yeah you can trust the AI, it knows what muscle group to train and whether it not you have trained it previously.

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I’d like to agree with you on this Tom (just that the AI would be that good) but for instance sometimes coach gives me a brutal session (lower body for example) and I have sore muscles for three days. And just the next day, coach gives me a lot of lower body again… so then I feel like it didn’t really get that my lower body needs some rest time and I have to adjust that for myself.

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@gameonplayer Ah! that’s not good indeed! I’ve never had this issue in the Hybrid Strength. Thank you for the feedback :slight_smile: