I know there are some freeletics journeys which help you to master complex bodyweight movements such as the muscle up and handstand pushup, pistol squats etc…
I was wondering if it would be possible to add a specific section in the app to work on mastering these specific movements. For example, I struggled very long to achieve my first pistol squat. I was thinking if it would be an exciting feature to include progressions to work towards these moves specifically. Eg…mastering squats, lunges, side lunges, cossack squats, closed leg squats, assisted pistol squats, half a pistol squat then a full pistol squat.
Here is one benefit of being in the forum already @Zeeshaan-you get to find out a few things in advance
This is something we are currently working on and we can hopefully release it to everyone in the app relatively soon.
Essentially it will be a section that will show the progression path you are currently on and working towards “mastering” a milestone movement, such as Pistols (great pistol in your profiile photo by the way ) and one-handed push-ups.
I will try to remember to give you a heads up here when we know more as to when it will be introduced
Great to know that this feature will be coming soon! Clap clap!!
I should say as well that even though Freeletics doesn’t have this progression map as yet it has still helped me to achieve alot of complex bodyweight movements which I assume is a crossover from the strength developed by following the coaches recommendations.
It will be great to have an exclusive Calisthenics Training Journey that can take you from 0 to master all the advanced and complex bodyweight movements.
I’m not sure what you mean…starting from 0, you can choose any bodyweight Journey to get into Calisthenics because Freeletics’ weightless movements are Calisthenics. So far, only some very advanced exercises are not yet included in the app.
But I also hope that these will come into the app at some point and that the focus of “equipment, equipment, equipment” switches back a little more towards “You don’t need machines - you’ll build one”
Thanks for your prompt response, what I meant was for a strict Calisthenics Training Journey was to focus more on build the strenght for the badge Calisthenics movements.
Don´t get me wrong, I love Freeletics but with the jumping and impact movements my knees, shoulders and elbows start to give me trouble.
I have started a Calisthenics training program and it is more focus on the pace of the movements and resting between each set to build strenght and technique.
¡If Freeletics can create a pure Calisthenics training journey will be amazing!