Creating your workout

I’m new to the app and love it, but one thing bothers me; or I can’t figure out how to do… create a workout using the ahead of time.

I’m pretty sure on the free trial version I was able to choose a warm up, exercise and cooldown - but now that I have the paid version I have the coach recommended exercises that I can only “adapt”

I would love to be able to keep the recommended exercise available (for when I exercise at home) BUT also create a workout for the gym e.g. with equipment.

The only option I see is “create workout” but that is creating from scratch and time consuming.

I don’t understand why I can’t use the preset workouts and save them ahead of time. E.g. 1. dynamic warmup 2. Kettlebell 360 3. Cooldown.

It would be nice to plan that ahead of time.

I hope it’s something I’m overlooking in the app, or that they can add.