Different levels of feedback for different exercises

Hello, I’m not sure I found the answer in the forum, so I ask in a new topic.

I’m wondering how to give a correct feedback for different exercises with different feedback.
For example, if I “had to replace” pushups but could do all lunges “but not always with correct technique”, I would use the “had to replace” option, right? But thereafter I’m asked which exercises I struggled with - both in fact, but in not the same way. Should I mention pushups AND lunges, or only pushups?

Thanks for the help :pray:

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Friend, I think this is the major lacking in the app. I too would like to know! Probably, you will not take the answer them here.

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Interesting question. This has never happened to me. I mean, many times it happened that I had issues with one exercise but somehow not with two.

Pretty sure what I would do would be to give feedback on the one I struggled with most. It is not a big deal that I wouldn’t give it on the other one this time, because it’d come up in a different session with other exercises later and I could feed back on it then.

Thank you for your reply Sofia :pray:

Yes, it’s totally make sense :+1: So if I understand you well, in the first step of the process, it’s better to choose the worst level of performance applying to at least one exercise, and then mark as “struggled with” only the exercises for which this level of performance is accurate?

And what would you do if you’ve done one exercise as “excellent” (all reps with perfect technique) and the other as “great” (with correct technique)? Both feedback are for all repetitions… :person_shrugging: Does it mean that the “excellent” will be very rare? :thinking:

PS: I don’t mean to be negative here. I say that because there is a LOT of negativity in the forum - and I really don’t like this mindset. Fortunately there are also people who like to help. Thanks again

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You are absolutely right.

For this case:

Please don’t do exercises with bad techniques in a workout. To be honest, I hate this option on feedback screen. It is better for muscle memory and for learning the right technique to scale down and do a lighter version of the exercise (e.g. Assisted Lunges).
That’s why I would avoid this option and would choose the left one “had to replace at least one exercise” and select all exercises I had to replace.
This causes the algorithm to give you more of these exercises in your training in order to learn and to master.


I understand. Here I was mentioning lunges as an example :smiling_face:

I wasn’t sure about the flow in the app from memory, so after taking a look I think I can provide a better answer.
Let’s take your example (had to replace pushups and did lunges not always with correct technique.

  • First question is “How was your technique?” This refers to the whole workout, not one particular exercise. You should answer “Not great, I had to replace at least one of the exercises”.
  • Next question is “Which exercises did you struggle with?”. Here you should pick both, since you had issues with both.

As a reference, if in a workout you had only one exercise that you perform “not always with correct technique”, you’d also be asked which one you struggled with, so this level of feedback on its own also leads to question “Which exercises you struggled with” implying that “not always with correct technique” is seen by the app as “struggled”, therefore you can safely mark both in your scenario.