Exercising with inguinal hernia: any experience?

I have my second inguinal hernia, so far a very small one. Surgery is planned for the end of Januray 2025, which effectively means (counting the recovery time) at least half a year without any proper sport (to not make it worse until that time). That’s not possible for me and gets me a lot of disstress with a slight taste of depression, mostly thinking about all the stamina I will loose in six months without exercising. Anyone have any experience with this kind of hernia? How to set up the Freeletics workouts, which exercises to block, or which could be considered safest? And how about running? For sure I am not a first one in this situation. Thank you!

Hey Tomáš :wave:t2:

I think if you were to see a doctor they would advise you that the kind of HIIT such as that offered by the Freeletics app just isn’t suitable for most people with such an injury. Some really key exercises will very much risk worsening your condition or potentially even cause some complications.

So please, speak to your doctor-I highly suspect they will recommend swimming or walking at most.


Just to add, I know it’s a huge pain in the rear being unable to train, but you’re far better off taking your time and not making things worse :+1:t2:
