How to design a CrossFit style program

Hi @simontorras, and welcome to the forum!
Have you tried the hybrid strength journey while having all pieces of equipment enabled?

I am currently on it 5days a week, and it looks similar to what you are trying to find. I have 2 heavy barrel-work days (upper and lower), developing strength in the big 3 lifts. Then I have 2 hybrid days with a mix of dumbbells, kettlebells and bodyweight intervals. (One upper and one lower), usually, I will have 2 intervals on these days, one more strength focus with moderate pace and another one more conditioning. For example, Tuesday, I had some jumping squats paired with sprawls, mountain climbers, and dumbbell cleans.
And then, I will also have one day dedicated to a god training.

Then you can up the intensity you telling the coach the session was « easy » or « too easy ».

I find this journey awesome and sort of CrossFit like, without the oly lifts. You work your abs everyday and cardio/conditioning 3 days a week as the barbell days don’t really include cardio. Although you could add a skipping rope workout or god (like deino) at the end of them.

I hope that helps!
