Hybrid strength. recommended weight bug

Hi, I encountered a problem in the latest update of the hybrid strength training journey after the introduction of the ability to manually change the weight.
Yesterday I did 3 reps of bench press with 74kg and then I reduced the weight to 70kg in the last few sets and gave positive feedback asking to keep the same intensity.
For next week the Coach has assigned me 3 sets of 3 reps of bench press with 37.5kg !!! this is definitely a bug. I will therefore adjust the weight to maintain a progression.
Gian Luca

Xiaomi mi 9 lite, MIUI 12, Android 11, 22.38 beta app

Yes, unfortunately we’re aware of a bug with the Barbell Journeys here. We have issued a fix for this, so this shouldn’t continue to be a problem :+1:t2:


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More than two years since my last post… and the bug is still here! :expressionless:

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Unbelieveble that this is still a problem

Hey @GianLuke :wave:t2:

This was fixed at the time. Can you share a screenshot of any sessions affected by this so we can take a look? That would be helpful so we can look in to it.


Hi Ben!
The TJ I’m currently doing is Barbell Gain. The first screenshot is from last week. The Coach had suggested too heavy a load, so I had to enter a lower weight starting from the warm-up. In the end, I gave excellent feedback. Tomorrow, I have these suggested weights reduced by almost half. The same thing has happened with other exercises. I emphasize that this issue only occurs when you enter a lower weight than the one suggested for the warm-up sets. Tomorrow, I’ll try to replicate the bug. It’s definitely a big inconvenience because if I want to reduce the Coach’s suggested load, either because it’s incorrect or if I simply want to round the weight down, the progressions then get completely messed up.

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Hey @GianLuke

Ok, I understand. So the issue that was initially reported was fixed, this is different to what you are now reporting.

To be clear, the Coach shouldn’t be assigning anyone 3 reps in their main Barbell Gain sets.

Now, on to the second issue you are reporting. This would be expected behaviour. If you start a set, and for some reason drop the weight, the Coach will take this point as the point of failure for that set. i.e. you physically could not do any more reps for that exercise. For the Coach, it doesn’t matter if you dropped the weight and then did the rest of the set.

Now I don’t know if this is exactly what has happened in your own training - but I’ll take a look in depth over the next few days to see and will DM you.

I’ve said elsewhere on the Forum, trust the feedback you give the Coach. Just try this out a few times, don’t touch the change weight button, if you’re finding the assigned training too hard, just do what you can, even if this means reaching the point of failure half way through a set, and tell the Coach this at the end by giving negative feedback.

I’m not saying this applies to you, but a lot of people are really afraid of reaching failure in a set. Please don’t be! This should be a really normal experience.

In any case, I’ll take a look and I’ll DM you whether your training assignments should be expected or not :+1:t2:


Hi Ben, thanks for the response!

Actually, the issue reported back in 2022 was related to the Hybrid Strength program, and from what I understand, it only happens when you lower the weights in the warm-up sets. If you lower the weights in the main sets, this issue doesn’t occur, and the indicated weight is used as a reference for progression in the following session.

Today, I was able to replicate the issue easily. In the first warm-up set, I was suggested to use 27.5 kg, but I deliberately entered 27 kg. For all other sets, I used a higher weight than suggested, lifting 54 kg in the working sets instead of the suggested 52.5 kg. I then gave an “ok” feedback for the weight and an “excellent” rating for technique. Now, I see the next bench press session is suggesting 25 kg for the working sets.

I’m certain that this issue only happens when you reduce the weights in the warm-up. If you lower them in the main sets, this doesn’t happen. To clear up any doubt, next week I’ll keep the warm-up weights the same and lower the main set weights.

Anyway, it’s fine to trust the Coach, but the weights I have available don’t allow for half-kilo adjustments, so I’ll always have to round up or down. Given that the barbell program is already standardized for every user without any personalization, if the Coach can’t even help me log progressions accurately, then it becomes pretty useless.