Integrating Dumbell exercises in my training program

Hi, I have recently bought some dumbells. Now, I want to update my coach settings so that dumbell exercises show up in my training plan

. However, there is no option for dumbells in the ‘Select equipment’ setting. Any suggestions what can I do about this?

Hey Siddhant :wave:t2: Welcome to the Forum!

This isn’t really possible-the dumbbells are not an equipment that you enable here as they are only used for one specific Training Journey: Dumbbell Gain/Tone.

If you wish to follow a Coach Training Journey with dumbbells in the Freeletics app, you will need to change your journey to Dumbbell Gain/Tone.

When you select this Training Journey, dumbbells are automatically added to your equipment as it is required for that Journey. You’ll be able to specify the weights that you have access to in your Coach settings-I created a separate post regarding this which you can find :point_down:t2:

Hope that is all clear! :clapclapstatic:

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Thanks for the info!


Hi @Ben

I started the dumbbell gain training journey. I want to deselect the bench equipment but that’s not working. I don’t have a bench. So how can I adjust coach to only use dumbbell equipment?

Also, what is the Dumbbell Tone training journey? I don’t seem to have this option.

Hi @null_w1r3, I don’t think you can deselect the bench as it is mandatory equipment for this journey but @Ben can confirm.
Also, I think that the Dumbbell Tone journey is the female version of the Dumbbell Gain journey.



Hey Zameerul, welcome to the Forum :wave:t2:

Yeah, as Tom suggested above it’s not possible to deselect the bench. I talk in a bit more detail about this in the post below-would really recommend you take a read of it as it will give you some ideas as to what you can do here :+1:t2:

Regarding this question;

Tom is absolutely right below :point_down:t2:

Hope this helps you continue your training! :clapclapstatic:

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