Regeneration for muscle groups

Hey everybody,

This topic is probably not mentioned for the first time, but I haven’t found a good answer yet.
What is the coach’s concept of regeneration? From what I know, muscle groups should have at least a day to regenerate after exercise.
I’m currently training for 5 days, but the coach is proposing a daily full-body training.

I can’t even determine breaks myself by excluding muscle groups. The coach is currently planning push-ups on three days in a row - and I can exclude biceps, triceps and back without changing anything.

This is really annoying me right now and would actually be a reason to look for another app. If the “AI” can’t even come up with a proper plan, then what is the “intelligence”?
But maybe there’s a concept behind it that I just don’t see.
Anybody got any ideas?


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I’m not an expert in this field, but not sure about the need to rest muscle groups at least one day each time. This may be the case when using heavy weights but I would be surprised if it was the case for bodyweight exercices and running. For example, if you want to improve your running, this would mean that you would only be able to run 3 or 4 times a week.
When training with your bodyweight, the workouts are as traumatic as with heavy weights.

Thanks for your answer! I don’t know about running, but I would agree with you about bodyweight: the workouts can be as challenging as with weight, and I would assume that the time for regneration is the same.
So that’s my problem with freeletics, that it seems impossible to have that kind of necessary break.
I would love to have the option to choose days of “push/pull/legs”, or “upper/lower body”…