Save an incomplete interval and not cancel it

Hello ! Today I had an interval of 5 sets by my coach. I manage to reach the 3rd set, but it was imposible to go further.
The only option I had was to cancel the training session all together. I would like to be able to save my progress there and continue with cooldown session.
How do you think about this ? Anyone has a workround ? Do you think it’s a good future request ?
thank you in advance and sorry for my rough english…


Hi @GeorgeK and Welcome to this forum.
Personally, I like this kind of challenge. I had an interval which took me almost an hour to complete. It was awful but I was so happy once I finished.
If you are sure that you can not manage an interval (or god workout) because of time or your actual fitness, you can always use the Quick Adapt in order to get a shorter or easier session.