Training journey for home and gym

Is there a training journey to workout 3 days at gym with barbell and other days at home without equipments (cardio)?

Hi @marcelo , I think your best bet would be the Hybrid Strength Journey, selecting 4-5 days, you would have 2 heavy barbbell days, one HIIT/god day, and 1-2 hybrid days with the selected equipments :clapclapstatic:


That seems perfect for me.

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Thank you.

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Hi @marcelo, you can also choose any Weights Journey (e.g. Barbell Gain) and select β€œI don’t have any equipment” on the days when you are training at home. You will then be assigned a Bodyweight Training Session. Here you can read more about how to adjust your Weights Training Session :muscle:


Checking that, thank you.

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