Weight Free Gains vs Everyday Strength vs Shred and Burn

Hey guys. I have been doing freeletics weight free gains for more than a year and would like to switch to everyday strength strength or shred and burn. I also run and swim more than 3 times a week. Can you tell me the differences between each of those trainings? Do you think I can keep my muscle gains or even gain more if I switch to shred and burn, or to everyday strength. I plan to do Freeletics 3 times a week.

Hi -
I started Freeletics last year. I am just finishing Everyday Strength now (on hell week). I have done all three of these journeys and I can’t really tell any difference between them. The only thing I noticed is that the sessions for weights-free gain were labelled “Strength”, shred and burn were all “Conditioning” and everyday strength had both strength and conditioning sessions. But without the labels I wouldn’t know the difference.


Thank you