Adjusting the duration of the training

-Description of every single step you made until you encountered this error-what did you do, what happened?

:point_right:t2: In the option “Adapt session” and most particularly the option " I don’t have much time" I can only choose 15mins. I cant adjust it to the time length I want,

-What is the brand and model of your mobile device? (for example iPhone 13 / Galaxy S21)
:point_right:t2: Samsung S23 Ultra

-Which operation system is your device using? (for example iOS 13 / Android 11)
:point_right:t2: Android 14

-Which version of the Freeletics app are you using? (for example 6.37)
:point_right:t2: 24.48.2

-Which language is your app set to?
:point_right:t2: English

-Which timezone/state/country are you in?
:point_right:t2: Greece

-What date and time did this problem occur?
:point_right:t2: From the very first beginning

-Which browser you are using (if experiencing a bug on our website)?

Please also attach screenshots or a screen recording showing step by step how you encounter this problem :point_down:t2:

Be aware that it can take some time to reproduce and fix certain bugs, and so we do not normally give in-depth updates when resolving reported problems.


Hey @lefandreadis

This isn’t really a bug, this is designed behaviour :point_down:t2:

We are actively working on improving the Strength training experience so I think this is something that will improve next year. If you are interested in shaping this our research program is still open :point_down:t2:
